Privacy Policy

Thank you for using Different Me. We value the protection of your personal information and privacy rights, and have therefore developed the following Privacy Policy to help you understand how we collect, use, and protect your information.

Information Collection and Use:

User-provided Information: When using Different Me, you may need to select templates and upload your own photos. To generate your personalized portraits, we collect and store your photo information. This information is only used for generating facial portraits and will not be used for any other commercial purposes.

Automatically Collected Information: To improve and optimize the functionality and performance of Different Me, we may automatically collect device-related information, such as device models, operating system versions, unique device identifiers, etc. This information will be used for statistical analysis and technical support to enhance user experience.

Information Protection:

Data Security Measures: We employ reasonable technical measures to protect the security of your personal information. We use encryption technology to protect transmitted data and implement access controls for stored information, preventing unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Information Storage: Your personal information will be stored on secure servers for only as long as necessary. We take reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is not lost, misused, or accessed without authorization during processing.

Information Sharing and Disclosure:

Information Sharing: We do not share your personal information with third parties unless we have obtained your explicit consent or as required by law. We pledge not to use your photo information for any other commercial purposes or provide it to others.

Legal Requirements: In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information in accordance with legal requirements or to protect the interests of users and the public. We will disclose necessary information within a reasonable scope and make every effort to protect your privacy.

Minors' Privacy:

Different Me is not intended for children under the age of legal consent. If you are a minor, please use this app under the guidance of your legal guardian and do not provide us with any personal information without the consent of your guardian.

This Privacy Policy applies to all users of Different Me. Please read and understand this Privacy Policy carefully before using this app. If you have any questions or opinions regarding the policy content, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

We reserve the right to modify and update this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted in the app. Please check regularly for the latest version.

Thank you for your trust and support!